Augusta Parcel

About the Augusta Parcel

ADDRESS: 682 Teaticket Highway

The Augusta Parcel is a long, thin parcel that stretches north from Route 28 in East Falmouth to Brick Kiln Road, east of Sandwich Road. Several decades ago, the property was the site of the Cape Cod Drive-In, Falmouth’s only outdoor theater.

In the spring of 2003, the town purchased the 23.7-acre parcel from the Augusta family, owners of Falmouth Lumber, with the intent of using it for a municipal need, in particular a community wastewater treatment facility. For this reason, the land was purchased with Land Bank funds and mitigation funds from the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, which can be used to offset the nitrogen overload that is damaging the water of the coastal ponds south of this parcel. Since early planning calls for the treatment systems to be fully underground, the town can also use the land for recreational purposes.