“Time in nature is not leisure time; it's an essential investment in our children's health (and also, by the way, in our own).” ― Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder
Get outside and explore nature with your family!
Take our hiking challenge on a variety of Falmouth’s special conservation lands.
When you send in a photo of yourself on the trails, you’ll be entered to win a prize!
Get your Trails Challenge Passports and Scavenger Hunt keys below.
Happy Hiking!
Winter Bingo!
T3C invites you to a fun winter challenge for the whole family: Winter Bingo!
- This activity can be used at any of Falmouth's conservation areas. Just download and print the Bingo sheet, and off you go!
- (Fill out the whole sheet, or horizontal, vertical, diagonal columns: it's up to you.)
We hope you enjoy this activity and many outdoor adventures in the new year!
Open Space Scavenger Hunt!
Go on a scavenger hunt around Falmouth's many protected lands. Try the "Not So Easy" or the "Easier" version but before you go, please note:
- The parcels, pictures and clues are the same for both versions.
- The “Easier” version provides the answers, so don’t click on that link first!
- The “Not So Easy” version randomly lists 11 parcels, 12 pictures, and 11 rhyming clues for you to match up—that’s a challenge!
- If you’d rather walk each parcel knowing the picture you’re looking for, choose the “Easier” version.
Whichever you choose, have fun exploring the trails!
Passport to Falmouth’s Conservation Lands
The Passport booklet contains fun discovery activities for five sites in Falmouth. Explore our woods, beaches, streams, and ponds. Get your booklet stamped, and receive an award when complete!
What is The 300 Committee’s Passport Program?
In celebration of The 300 Committee’s 25th Anniversary, the 300 Committee published a pocket-sized “passport” for families (children and adults) dedicated to five conservation sites in Falmouth. Each section in the booklet contains a map, information specific to the site and a page to enter observations, plus activities that families can do together.
Get your Passport
Pick up your Passport at any Falmouth library, Eight Cousins Book Shop or The 300 Committee office.
Each child can receive an award when all of the sites in the booklet are “stamped” to validate the passport holder’s visit to each conservation site. Locations for validation stamps are: all Falmouth Public Libraries, the West Falmouth and Woods Hole libraries, Eight Cousins Book Store and The 300 Committee Land Trust office.
The conservation sites have been chosen on the basis of easy accessibility and proximity to a variety of Falmouth neighborhoods. Each site demonstrates one or more environmental themes unique to Falmouth (for example: cranberry bogs, kettle hole topography, wetlands, oak and pine woodlands, herring and other wildlife, coastline, and Falmouth’s farming & grazing history).
Have fun ... Discover! We hope you enjoy exploring these special places in Falmouth!
The purpose of the passport project is twofold: to promote environmental literacy in the town of Falmouth and to engage families (children & adults) at Falmouth's conservation lands.
Environmentalists nationwide are responding to a growing concern that children have become disconnected from the natural world. Children especially, and also adults, need to experience the nature first-hand if they are to become effective advocates for a sustainable environment. The health of our planet Earth will depend to a large extent on the choices and decisions made by the current generation of children.
Environmental literacy is a term used to encompass a basic understanding of natural processes of the environment. Promoting an understanding of the environment is a goal of educators and environmentalists alike. The 300 Committee actively promotes increased awareness of Falmouth's special natural resources.
Passport #1
Helps you explore four short hikes; each is 1 mile or less.

Passport #2
Guides you on four longer hikes at different properties.