Braeburn Farms

About Braeburn Farms

There is no parking facilitating public access to this property. 

The topography of Braeburn Farms is rolling upland forest, but in the early 1900s the land was mostly open fields where cattle grazed. Braeburn Farms, Atamannsit Farm and Coonamessett Ranch were the three large farms that made Hatchville a major dairy center in the 1920s and 1930s.

The 28-acre parcel on Route 151 abuts the town-owned Coonamessett Reservation on the west and houses on Hunters Ridge Road on the east. The state Frances Crane Wildlife Management Area is on the other side of the highway.

Riders from nearby horse farms often use the paths through the woods of Braeburn Farms.

The property was purchased by the town in 2002. A conservation restriction permanently protects the land from any uses other than conservation and passive recreation.

The conservation restriction also applies to 3.8 acres around Little Jenkins Pond nearby, purchased from the same owner, the Clauson family, in 2002. The small pond lies behind the subdivision and gas station at the corner of Route 151 and Sandwich Road.

Access to Braeburn Farms is from Route 151.