About Fresh Pond Well Site
There is no public access to this parcel.
A narrow strip of land off Carriage Shop Road, west of the intersection with Hayway Road, provides access to 33 acres of woods on the north shore of Fresh Pond in East Falmouth. The town acquired 18 acres fronting the pond in 1976 after a study identified its potential for a municipal well. Thirteen more acres were protected at the back when the town purchased in 1995 a landlocked parcel from Zada Clarke, a Falmouth portrait artist.
Fresh Pond received significant protection in 1978 when the Cape Cod Beagle Club and Falmouth Rod and Gun Club put their land, a total of 250 acres, under conservation restrictions. The Beagle Club property has frontage on Fresh Pond, while part of the Rod and Gun Club land lies within the well site zone of contribution.
The Rod and Gun Club contributed funds to the town’s purchase in 2001 of 9.1 acres from Ernest Souza on Carriage Shop Road, which also lies in the Fresh Pond well zone of contribution. This parcel links to the Beagle Club and is west of the Rod and Gun Club.