Rapoza Parcel

About the Rapoza Parcel

There is no public access to this parcel.

With an eye to acquiring property that could be used for municipal purposes rather than preserved as open space, Falmouth town meeting approved in the spring of 2007 the purchase of a narrow strip of land next to the town-owned Emerald property and East Falmouth Elementary School.

The 3.94 acres on Davisville Road, which extend back to Green Pond Road, belonged to one family for more than a century. The land was deeded to John F. Rapoza on January 9, 1901, a time when Portuguese immigrants from the Azores were beginning to establish strawberry farms on Davisville Road and other East Falmouth neighborhoods. The town bought the property from his heirs.

The town was interested in acquiring the parcel previously. Both the town Land Bank Committee in 2001, and The 300 Committee in 1995, had discussions with the owners.

One of the purposes cited at town meeting for the land was a wastewater treatment plant.