Hunting Resources

The 300 Committee Land Trust allows hunting on our properties that have the proper setbacks and that aren't restricted by deed/easement agreements. Hunting is also allowed on several town- and state-owned properties.
HUNTING IS NEVER ALLOWED ON SUNDAYS. It is also prohibited within 500 feet of a dwelling, or 150 feet of a paved roadway.
Hunting accidents are extremely rare, but it is always best to wear orange or another bright color during hunting season and to check with the property owner before you hike or hunt.
Please see the "Falmouth Hunting List" linked below for details on where hunting is and is not allowed. (The list may not include every relevant property in town.)
Various hunting seasons run throughout the fall, winter and spring. December is deer shotgun hunting season: wear orange and take care. Please click on the button below for details on Massachusetts' hunting seasons.